
Turn your passion for cars into a career with 火博体育's Mopar Career Automotive Program. You can become an automotive technician who works on the Chrysler family of vehicles in just two years. You'll also complete a paid internship at a Chrysler dealership so you can get real-world experience. Learn about our degree and certificate program options today!  

为什么参加Mopar CAP计划?

你喜欢克莱斯勒这个品牌吗? Do you want to work with cars from 道奇 trucks to Jeep Cherokees? 的n train to become an automotive technician through the Mopar职业汽车计划(MCAP).

Mopar is short for "the Chrysler Motor Parts Corp" and combines the words "motor" and "parts.“对于MCAP项目, you'll get hands-on experience with some of the world's most reliable and hottest cars. By completing the program, you'll be able to become a Mopar-certified technician. 通过您的课程,您将:

  • Work with the latest Chrysler vehicles, components, and instructional materials.
  • 练习使用高科技诊断设备.
  • Learn how to repair and replace Chrysler parts and vehicles.
  • Intern at a Chrysler, 道奇, or Jeep dealership to get more training.

Why Enter the Mopar Career Automotive Program at 火博体育?


SJC is proud to be one of 100 Mopar CAP schools nationwide. Because of our designation, you'll train using the latest Chrysler vehicles and tools. You'll get firsthand experience with diagnostic tools and repairs. 我们的两年制课程, you'll have the skills and expertise to start a career as soon as you graduate.


在SJC, you can earn an Mopar Career Automotive Program Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) degree or Mopar Career Automotive Program Certificate. 选择最适合你需要的课程.

Mopar CAP AAS is a two-year degree program where you'll learn the tools and skills you need to become a Mopar-certified technician. You'll also take other college-level courses to give you a well-rounded education. 以你的学位, you can transfer to a four-year school to earn a bachelor's degree in the automotive field. You'll also be more qualified for jobs such as a dealership service writer.

Mopar CAP证书 is a two-year program that focuses on helping you gain the skills to become a Mopar-certified technician. You'll get the training you need to begin a career as an automotive technician at a Chrysler dealership. 


作为克莱斯勒汽车培训的一部分, 你将在参与克莱斯勒公司实习, 道奇, 或吉普经销商. You'll get real-world experience with repair procedures and learn about dealership service operations. 除了, you will be paid hourly and receive pay increases based on your performance.

To receive an internship, you will make an agreement with a sponsoring dealership. 与 MCAP协议, you will complete a two-year internship at a Chrysler, 道奇, or Jeep dealership. You will be paid an hourly wage, and you will cover the tuition and book costs on your own.

Note: 火博体育 can help you find a sponsoring dealership.

负担得起的Mopar CAP培训

利用 SJC的低学费 我们的Mopar职业汽车计划. 除了, because you'll be working at an internship during the program, you'll also be earning money to help pay for your program costs. You may even qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM机会和彩票奖学金.

What You'll Learn in the Mopar Career Automotive Program

的 Mopar CAP AAS degree and certificate program are supported by Chrysler. You'll receive instruction using Chrysler cars and technology. In the first eight weeks of the program, you will learn at SJC's automotive facility. 在项目的后八周, you will work at an approved Chrysler automotive repair facility at a local dealership.

You will learn automotive knowledge and repair skills through courses including:

  • Mopar CAP简介
  • 电气系统
  • 刹车系统
  • 转向与悬架
  • 发动机及相关系统
  • 加热 & 空调
  • 人工反式/驱动桥
  • 自动反式/驱动桥
  • 燃料及排放系统


  • 客户服务
  • 求职技巧
  • 在职安全
  • 团队合作

Through your courses, you will qualify to earn important automobile technician safety certifications. 它们包括:

  • ASE认证
  • NC3认证
  • S / P2认证

如果你正在为Mopar CAP AAS学习, you will take additional SJC classes to make you a well-rounded student. 它们包括:

  • 通讯课程
  • 数学课程
  • 一年级的课程
  • 商业概论
  • 心理学概论
  • 《物理与实验室概览

Mopar CAP AAS课程

Mopar CAP证书课程


Graduates of the Mopar CAP program are in high-demand. 的re are many unfilled jobs available because of retirement and a lack of trained employees.

Most of our students become Mopar-certified technicians who work on Chrysler-brand cars. 其他工作机会包括:

  • 汽车零部件销售员
  • 汽车销售人员
  • 经销商服务写手
  • 小企业主


  • 汽车经销商
  • 汽车零部件设施
  • 市、县、州维修设施
  • 建筑公司
  • 油田服务
  • 私人汽车维修设施
  • 快捷服务设施
  • 轮胎和一般修理店


  • 利用减淡
  • 加西亚克莱斯勒道奇吉普公羊埃斯帕诺拉
  • 拉里·H. 米勒克莱斯勒吉普道奇阿尔伯克基
  • 利西亚克莱斯勒吉普道奇圣达菲
  • 梅洛伊克莱斯勒吉普道奇公羊
  • 梅洛伊道奇公羊菲亚特
  • Morehart Murphy区域汽车中心

Mopar CAP认证信息

SJC's Mopar Career Automotive Program is accredited by the ASE教育基金会. 的 ASE教育基金会 evaluates and accredits entry-level automotive technology education programs against standards developed by the automotive service industry. It also develops career-readiness education for students, 融合了当地的伙伴关系, 严格的标准化教育, 工作经验, 和导师一起.


You must first apply to 火博体育 to enroll in the Mopar Career Automotive Program. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!


连同你的SJC申请一起, you must complete and submit your application to the Mopar CAP program.

访问Mopar CAP应用程序

If you are already a student at 火博体育, talk to the Automotive Recruiter about our Mopar CAP degree and certificate options.


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